Tuesday, March 17, 2015

(Where is the) Sun in Scotland

found this bag in a tourist shop. pretty much sums it up
These past few days in Edinburgh have been particularly rainy and foggy.

fog #alldayerrday
I look out my window. (sigh) No sun in sight.

blue skies come back
It's as if a woolen blanket of gray has cloaked the stone buildings of the city.
Where is the sun?

This got me thinking how a lot of times, we feel like the sun isn't there. Especially during thunderstorms and hailstorms and windstorms, we think the sun has vanished. We think the sun has stopped shining, stopped emitting its golden rays of light, stopped being there for us.

But in reality, the sun is always there. It hasn't vanished.

When those foggy and cloudy days descend, we may feel like God isn't there, too. I've asked this question multiple times: where are you, God?

Yet God is patient with us, showering daily mercies on us, mercies we often are not even aware of.
When you feel like God isn't there, Jesus understands. One afternoon in the midst of spring in Israel, as he hung on a wooden cross, arms stretched out with nails pummeled into his palms, a crown of thorns piercing into his forehead, Jesus died the death we should have died. He suffered tremendous separation from God.

But Jesus had the incredible courage to keep going and pursue the heavenly Father's will and see through it to the very end.

That's what faith is. Believing, even when it's difficult to believe.

Let us be like Christ. In our darkest moments -- those moments when we don't see the sun -- let us trust in God. He is the great I AM, he existed before we even existed (and before the whole universe was even made!), he is Immanuel ~ God with us.

so we fix our eyes, not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.
for what is seen is temporary,
but what is unseen
is eternal

2 corinthians 4:18

there will be days like this
but just remember, there will be days like this, too

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