Sunday, January 11, 2015

Week 1 Reflection: Living in the Land of...


There are more sheep than people in Scotland.

Scotland has 5.3 million people, and 6.57 million sheep.

That's a lot! (No wonder woolen scarves and haggis are popular).

the (in)famous haggis
This got me thinking of how we ourselves are called to be like sheep.

I love the relationship between the sheep and their shepherd.
Just as sheep know the voice of their shepherd, so too must we listen, hear, and respond to the voice of Jesus.
He's not just a shepherd, but the Good one, the best.

Psalm 23 reminds me that
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 
     He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters, 

     he refreshes my soul.

During my time abroad, in foreign places, in unexplored territory, I'm pretty sure I'm going to encounter challenges and fears (like loneliness and getting lost)... every day I hope to reflect and remind myself that in all the green pastures, beside all the quiet waters, through all the darkest valleys, I trust and know and believe that he is with me, always.

Saw lots of sheep, but no Nessie (yet!)
As I begin my semester abroad in Edinburgh, Scotland, I'll be far from my comfort zone and I'll miss family and friends back home.

But I'm hopeful and excited to see where the Shepherd leads me.

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